SUB. ENGLISH (2nd Language)
1. ECL2-4 Listens to English
words, greetings, polite forms of expression and responding in English/home
language like “how are you?’ ‘I’m fine’ ‘thank you’ etc.
2. ECL2-5 Follows simple instructions
such as ‘shut the door’ Bring me the book and such others.
3. 4 – Responds to simple instructions,
announcements in English made in class/school.
4. 5 – Acts according to instructions
given in games/sports.
5. ECL2-4 Creates rhyming words based on
the available text.
6. ECL2-5 Sings songs or rhymes with
action. Forms new rhyming words.
7. ECL2-5 Write selective rhyming words
in pair.
8. ECL2-6 Recites poems individually/in
groups with intonation and fluency.
9. ECL2-6 Uses rhyming words for writing
short sentences.
10. ECL2-4 Describes their
thoughts/feelings for birds/animals/trees etc. verbally.
11. ECL2-4 Talks about the available
prints in the classroom.
12. ECL2-4 Uses words related to size,
shape, colour, weight, texture such as big, small, round, pink, red, heavy, light,
soft etc.
13. 4 – Uses the variety of simple nouns,
personal pronouns,adjectives and prepositions to make meaningful sentences.
14. 4 – Responds verbally/in writing to
questions based on day to-day life experiences.
15. 4 -Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives, and
prepositions in speech and writing.
16. ECL2-4 Connected texts with
illustrations while reading the story.
17. ECL2-5 Predicts the story, talks
about the characters bilingually.
18. ECL2-5 Responds to the questions
related to stories and poems in home language or English or sign language,
orally and in writing (phrases/short sentences)
19. ECL2-5 Recognizes and writes/draws
frequently occurring word/ picture in a story being read.
20. ECL2-6 Creates and narrates the story
with the help of the poster.
21. ECL2-6 Develops vocabulary from their
class room and social environment.
22. ECL2-4 Recognizes familiar signs,
logos and labels in the environment.
23. ECL2-4 Labels the objects such as
mat/blackboard/reading area etc.
24. ECL2-5 Tries to decode unfamiliar
words while reading.
25. 4 – Reads small texts/ posters/
charts in English with comprehension.
26. ECL2-4 Writes words beginning
with the same letter.
27. ECL2-5 Draws or writes a few words or
short sentences in response to the environment (birds, plants, garden etc.)
poems and stories.
28. ECL2-6 Able to develop useful
messages for their school premises.(Classroom, garden, playground etc.)
29. ECL2-6 Write a message for the toy.
Ex; you are my best friend
30. 4. Uses punctuation marks
appropriately in writing such as question mark, comma, full stop and capital
Note: ECL2-4: Effective communicators in Language 2 class 1,
ECL2-5: class 2, ECL2-6: class 3, 4:class 4, 5: Class 5.