School closure due to the COVID 19 pandemic situation has led to gaps in schooling, which in turn resulted in the need for learning recovery across the world. In order to address this need of the hour, Karnataka State has decided to look at the academic year 2022-23 as the Kalika Chetarike year which would focus more on the learning recovery for all school children rather than the completion of the current grade level syllabus.


CLASS – 5                       

SUB. ENGLISH (2nd Language)

Note: ECL2-4: Effective communicators in Language 2 class 1, ECL2-5: class 2, ECL2-6: class 3, 4:class 4, 5: Class 5.


1. ECL2-4 Listens to English
words, greetings, polite forms of expression and responding in English/home
language like “how are you?’ ‘I’m fine’ ‘thank you’ etc.

2. ECL2-5 Follows simple instructions
such as ‘shut the door’ Bring me the book and such others.

3. 4 – Responds to simple instructions,
announcements in English made in class/school.

4. 5 – Acts according to instructions
given in games/sports.

5. ECL2-4 Creates rhyming words based on
the available text.

6. ECL2-5 Sings songs or rhymes with
action. Forms new rhyming words.

7. ECL2-5 Write selective rhyming words
in pair.

8. ECL2-6 Recites poems individually/in
groups with intonation and fluency.

9. ECL2-6 Uses rhyming words for writing
short sentences.

10. ECL2-4 Describes their
thoughts/feelings for birds/animals/trees etc. verbally.


11. ECL2-4 Talks about the available
prints in the classroom.

12. ECL2-4 Uses words related to size,
shape, colour, weight, texture such as big, small, round, pink, red, heavy, light,
soft etc.

13. 4 – Uses the variety of simple nouns,
personal pronouns,adjectives and prepositions to make meaningful sentences.

14. 4 – Responds verbally/in writing to
questions based on day to-day life experiences.

15. 4 -Uses nouns, verbs, adjectives, and
prepositions in speech and writing.

16. ECL2-4 Connected texts with
illustrations while reading the story.

17. ECL2-5 Predicts the story, talks
about the characters bilingually.

18. ECL2-5 Responds to the questions
related to stories and poems in home language or English or sign language,
orally and in writing (phrases/short sentences)

19. ECL2-5 Recognizes and writes/draws
frequently occurring word/ picture in a story being read.

20. ECL2-6 Creates and narrates the story
with the help of the poster.

21. ECL2-6 Develops vocabulary from their
class room and social environment.

22. ECL2-4 Recognizes familiar signs,
logos and labels in the environment.

23. ECL2-4 Labels the objects such as
mat/blackboard/reading area etc.

24. ECL2-5 Tries to decode unfamiliar
words while reading.

25. 4 – Reads small texts/ posters/
charts in English with comprehension.

26. ECL2-4 Writes words beginning
with the same letter.

27. ECL2-5 Draws or writes a few words or
short sentences in response to the environment (birds, plants, garden etc.)
poems and stories.

28. ECL2-6 Able to develop useful
messages for their school premises.(Classroom, garden, playground etc.)

29. ECL2-6 Write a message for the toy.
Ex; you are my best friend

30. 4. Uses punctuation marks
appropriately in writing such as question mark, comma, full stop and capital

Note: ECL2-4: Effective communicators in Language 2 class 1,
ECL2-5: class 2, ECL2-6: class 3, 4:class 4, 5: Class 5.





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