Exclamatory Sentence – Assertive Sentence

What is an Exclamatory Sentence?

An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotions or feelings, such as surprise, happiness, anger, or excitement. It often ends with an exclamation mark (!).

  • Example in English: What a beautiful day it is!
  • Example in Marathi: किती सुंदर दिवस आहे!

What is an Assertive Sentence?

An assertive sentence is a simple statement that provides information, expresses an opinion, or describes something. It ends with a period (.) and does not express strong emotions.

  • Example in English: It is a beautiful day.
  • Example in Marathi: हा एक सुंदर दिवस आहे.

Steps to Change Exclamatory to Assertive

In English:

  1. Identify the feeling or emotion in the exclamatory sentence. (भाव ओळखणे)
  2. Rephrase the sentence to a plain statement, keeping the same meaning. (वाक्याला सोप्या स्वरूपात बदला, ज्यामुळे वाक्य साधे विधान होईल.)
  3. Replace words like ‘What’, ‘How’ with suitable verbs or phrases. (‘किती’, ‘काय’, ‘वा’ अशा शब्दांना सामान्य स्वरूपात बदला.)
  4. Remove the exclamation mark and use a period. (उद्गारचिन्ह (!) काढा आणि पूर्णविराम (.) द्या. उदाहरणे:) Examples:


#1. What a pleasant weather it is today! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#2. How delicious the food tastes! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#3. How quickly the child runs! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#4. What a talented singer she is! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#5. How brave the soldier is! (Change into an assertive sentence.)

#6. What a delightful surprise it was! (Change into an assertive sentence.)

#7. How bright the stars are! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#8. How beautiful the garden is! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#9. What a wonderful painting it is! (Change into an assertive sentence)

#10. What a peaceful place this is! (Change into an assertive sentence)


Key Points to Remember

  • Emotion becomes a fact: An exclamatory sentence highlights feelings, but an assertive sentence simply states the fact.
  • No exclamation: Assertive sentences are neutral and end with a period.
  • Meaning stays the same: Ensure the main idea or meaning of the sentence remains unchanged.

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