What is an Exclamatory Sentence?
An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotions or feelings, such as surprise, happiness, anger, or excitement. It often ends with an exclamation mark (!).
- Example in English: What a beautiful day it is!
- Example in Marathi: किती सुंदर दिवस आहे!
What is an Assertive Sentence?
An assertive sentence is a simple statement that provides information, expresses an opinion, or describes something. It ends with a period (.) and does not express strong emotions.
- Example in English: It is a beautiful day.
- Example in Marathi: हा एक सुंदर दिवस आहे.
Steps to Change Exclamatory to Assertive
In English:
- Identify the feeling or emotion in the exclamatory sentence. (भाव ओळखणे)
- Rephrase the sentence to a plain statement, keeping the same meaning. (वाक्याला सोप्या स्वरूपात बदला, ज्यामुळे वाक्य साधे विधान होईल.)
- Replace words like ‘What’, ‘How’ with suitable verbs or phrases. (‘किती’, ‘काय’, ‘वा’ अशा शब्दांना सामान्य स्वरूपात बदला.)
- Remove the exclamation mark and use a period. (उद्गारचिन्ह (!) काढा आणि पूर्णविराम (.) द्या. उदाहरणे:) Examples:
- Exclamatory: How amazing this looks! (किती छान वाटतेय!)
Assertive: This looks very amazing. (हे खूप छान वाटतेय.) - Exclamatory: What a wonderful place this is! (काय कमाल जागा आहे!)
Assertive: This is a very wonderful place. (ही एक खूपच कमाल जागा आहे.)
- Exclamatory: How amazing this looks! (किती छान वाटतेय!)
#1. What a pleasant weather it is today! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#2. How delicious the food tastes! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#3. How quickly the child runs! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#4. What a talented singer she is! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#5. How brave the soldier is! (Change into an assertive sentence.)
#6. What a delightful surprise it was! (Change into an assertive sentence.)
#7. How bright the stars are! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#8. How beautiful the garden is! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#9. What a wonderful painting it is! (Change into an assertive sentence)
#10. What a peaceful place this is! (Change into an assertive sentence)
Key Points to Remember
- Emotion becomes a fact: An exclamatory sentence highlights feelings, but an assertive sentence simply states the fact.
- No exclamation: Assertive sentences are neutral and end with a period.
- Meaning stays the same: Ensure the main idea or meaning of the sentence remains unchanged.