9th Grade English(TL)


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Class- 9

Board – State Board Karnataka

Syllabus – State

Sub. – English (3rd Language)


Topic covered – Comprehension, Vocabulary,Grammar


C1. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each:

1) What made the king sad?

Ans.:- A farmer was plowing the field with the help of his wife and one bull instead of two bulls. Seeing this scene, the king was sad.

2) What did the queen give to the farmer’s wife?

Ans.:- The Queen gave to two bulls to the farmer’s wife. 

3) What did the farmer’s wife tell her husband about the man?

Ans.: The farmer’s wife tell her husband this man was the king who yoked our fields. 

4) What did the farmer take with him to offer the king?

Ans.:- The farmer took the pearls with him to offer the king.

5) Why was the farmer rewarded? 

Ans.:- The farmer rewarded for his honesty.


6) “My dear man, what are you doing.”

a) Who asked this question? 

Ans.:- The king asked this question.

b) Who does ‘dear man’ refer to?

Ans.:- ‘Dear man’ refer to the farmer.

c) Why did he ask this question?

Ans.:- Because he saw that his wife was suffering and pulling the plow with the ox.

d) What was the reply given by farmer?

Ans.: The farmer replied,”she is my wife and this is our farm.What I do is no

concern of yours.

7) “I shall give you a bull. You do not have to pay me any money.” 

a) Who will give the bull?

Ans.:- The king will give the bull.

b) Who does ‘you’ refer to?

Ans.:- ‘You’ refer to the farmer.

c) What was the reply of the farmer?

Ans.: I can’t come with you now.If you really want to help me, bring the bull here. 


C2. Answer the following questions in three or four sentences:
Discuss the answers with your partner.

1) Why was the king happy when the farmer apologized for his behavior? 

Ans.:- The king was happy when the farmer apologized for his behavior because the farmer did not turn to evil deeds even in his misfortune. 

2) Why was the farmer stunned when he came to harvest the crops?

Ans.:- While harvesting the crop,the farmer was surprised because there were pearls instead of grain.

3) What kind of king was Raja Bhoj ?

Ans.:- Raja Bhoj was a great king. He was just and kind king and was always very attentive to his problems of his subjects.


V1.Letters in the brackets are mixed up. Take the help of the clues and arrange the letters into correct words:                                                                                                                                                         

1) say sorry – apologise (soiglaepo)

2) astonish – stunned (netusdn)

3) work – labour (orbalu)

4) identify from knowledge – recognize (ocreezgni)

5) fair to all concerned morally right – justice (jstcuie)

6) experience pain – suffer (ffuser)


C3. Rearrange the following words into meaningful sentences :

e.g. with/please/along/me/come

Please come along with me.

1) stop/I/do/not/time/have/the/to

Ans. I do not have the time to stop.

2) leave/The/king/to/want/not/did

Ans.The king did not want to leave.

3) reaped/the/a/farmer/wonderful/harvest

Ans.The farmer reaped a wonderful harvest.


Ans. The king rewarded the farmer for his honesty

V2. Find out the opposites for the following words from the puzzle and write them in the space provided:

e.g. kind x cruel

1) easy x difficult

2) accept x reject

3) arrive x depart

4) strong x weak


V3. We use certain words to express our feelings.

Example: afraid, miserable, sorry, worried, excited, bored etc.

There are some more words which are used in the following sentences. Underline the words that express feelings

1) The farmer was shocked to know that the man was the king.


2) He was very happy with the worker.


3) Everyone in the court was surprised.


4) The king was sad for the plight of the farmer.


5) Lily pitied the old beggar.


 L2. Choose the correct question word and frame questions in order to get the underlined words as answer:

1) She deserves the highest honour.

 Ans. What does she deserve?

2) He retired in 1985.

Ans. When did he retire?

3) I like green colour.

Ans. What color do you like?

4) I went to market to buy some fruits.

Ans. Why did you go to the market?


L3. Add punctuation marks like full stop(.), question mark (?), inverted commas (‘‘ ’’), comma (,) and exclamation mark (!) in the following sentences.

My pet cat I have just got a new pet cat ( ) She is black and white and I’ve named it Rani ( ) Can you guess the reason ( ) Well, she is so majestic in her movements and looks just like a queen ( ) She is cleaver and she loves eating fish ( ) I found her near my house some days ago ( ). She looked so thin and ill and had no home ( ). I brought her home and now she lives with me and my family ( ). She has become stronger and looks really beautiful. Everyone who sees her says ( ) What a beautiful cat you have ( ) I’m very proud of my dear Rani. She’s surely a beauty ( ).

Ans. –

My pet cat

         I have just got a new pet cat.She is black and white and I’ve named it Rani.Can you guess the reason? Well,she is so majestic in her movements and looks just like a queen.She is clever and she loves eating fish. I found her near my house some days ago. She looked so thin and ill and had no home. I brought her home and now she lives with me and my family. She has become stronger and looks really beautiful. Everyone who sees her says, “What a beautiful cat you have!” I’m very proud of my dear Rani. She’s surely a beauty.

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