IMP QUESTIONS,RC AND MCQ for board exam..



                EXAM – SSLC 

               BOARD – KSEEB,BANGALORE.

                SUBJECT – EXAM


Source – ಸ್ಫೂರ್ತಿ 2021-22 (BENGALURU RURAL)




Read the given extracts and answer the following questions:

1. “It’s a regular scene”

a. Which is the regular scene referred to here?

The people swarming into the train and getting down hurriedly in populated Metropolis.

b. Where can one find this regular scene?

In populated Metropolis

c. Do you think is this necessary? If not, why?

No, it is not necessary. If the people rush like that, the children, women or aged or

handicapped may fall down on the tracks.

2. “Baleshwar Mishra couldn’t believe what he had just seen.”

a. What he had just seen?

He saw a young girl lying next to the tracks.

b. Where was the speaker during that time?

The speaker was on another train.

c. How did he react to it?

He grabbed the train red emergency chain and jumped off the still moving train to help her.

3. “There is a girl by the tracks” the voices cried out.

a. Who is the girl mentioned here?

Roma Talreja is the girl referred to here.

b. Whose voices were these?

These were the voices of the people in the opposite train.

c. Why did the voices cry out?

The people saw Roma, a young girl, lying next to the tracks.

4. “Let’s go and help her.”

a. What happened there?

There was a girl by the tracks.

b. Why did they have to help?

She had fallen from the train

c. Who should go there?

People on the other train.


5. “His heart hammering his chest, Baleshwar shoved off the still- moving train”.

a. Why was his heart hammering his chest?

Because he saw Roma Talreja on the tracks, he found no helping hand in the train.

b. Why did he shove off the train?

Because nobody came forward to help her. So, he volunteered to help her.

c. What does it tell about him?

He was filled with fear for the girl who was by the track. / He was kind and compassionate.

6. “I hope I am not too late.”

a. Who does ‘I’ refer to here?


b. Why did he hope so?

Soon he found her. He knew she was hurt badly and hoped he could help her

c. What did he do?

He carried her to the roadside and shifted her to the nearby hospital.


7. “Behanji, aap theek hai?” he asked. But there was no response and no help in sight.”

a. Who does behanji refer to here?

Roma Talreja

b. Why was there no response?

Because Roma was injured seriously and fell on the tracks unconsciously.

c. Who took her to hospital?

Baleshwar Mishra

8. “My sister is injured, Please help me take her to a hospital.” But no one stopped.

a. Who does ‘sister’ refer to here?

‘Sister’ refers to Roma Talreja.

b. Who requested it here?

Baleshwar Mishra.

c. Who does ‘no one’ refer to here?

No one ’refers to the motorists on the road.

d. Why was she taken to a hospital?

She fell down on the tracks and was seriously injured.


9. “Help me,” Baleshwar pleaded.

a. Who did the Baleshwar plead for?

Baleshwar pleaded for the tempo-truck driver.

b. Why did he request help?

Roma was seriously injured and he wanted to take her to a hospital.

c. Did the others help him? Give a reason.

Nobody helped because they were afraid of court and police.

d. What does “plead” mean?

Plead means beg.

10. “Take the girl to Airoli. There’s a hospital there.”

a. Who suggested it?

The cop

b. Who is the girl here?

Roma Talreja.

c. Why did Baleshwar disagree with his suggestion?

Because Airoli was at least 10 kilometers away and he knew a nearby hospital.

11. “There’s a closer place I know of,”

a. Who is the “I”?


b. When did the speaker say so?

When the cop suggested taking Roma to Airoli at that time he said these words

c. Why did he say these words?

Because Airoli was at least 10 kilometers away and he knew a nearby hospital.

12. “He advised that she be moved to a nearby hospital.”

a. Who is the “He”?

The on duty physician of the small hospital.

b. Who did he advise?

To Baleshwar.

c. Why did he advise?

Because the hospital lacked sufficient personnel and equipment.

d. Who does “she” refer to?

Roma Talreja.

13. “Roma stirred and her eyes fluttered open.”

a. Where was Roma at that time?

Roma was in the back of the truck.

b. What could have made her react so?

When the vehicle lurched forward, she stirred and her eyes fluttered open.

c. How did her reaction help Baleshwar?

Baleshwar quickly asked for her name and collected the phone number of her brother, Dinesh to inform about the accident.

14. “Whom can I call?” He asked quickly, fearing that she would black out once more.

a. Who do I refer to?

Baleshwar Mishra

b. What did the listener reply?

Dinesh Telraja

c. What do you mean by ‘black out’ here?

Become unconscious

15. “My brother Dinesh,” she said, slowly giving him Dinesh’s cell phone number.

a. Whose brother was Dinesh?

Roma’s brother was Dinesh.

b. Who did she give Dinesh’s cell phone number?

To Baleshwar Mishra.

c. Why did the listener need Dinesh’s cell phone number?

To inform Roma’s accident to her brother, Dinesh.

d. Where did the conversation take place?

In the back of the truck.


16. “Chacha, can I borrow your mobile?”

a. Who wanted the mobile?


b. Who is the chacha here?

Truck driver

c. Why did he want the mobile?

To inform Roma’s accident to her brother, Dinesh.

17. “Dineshbhai?” a young voice asked

a. Whose voice was that?

It was the voice of Baleshwar.

b. What was Dinesh doing at that time?

Dinesh was wrapping up his day at his marketing job at a retail outlet

c. What did the speaker tell him?

Baleshwar told him that Roma had fallen off the moving train and he was taking her to Divine Hospital in Ghansoli.

18. “I’m on my way,”

a. Who is the “I”?

Dinesh Talreja.

b. Who was this said to?

To Baleshwar Mishra.

c. When did the speaker say so?

When Baleshwar called Dinesh and told about Roma’s accident.

19. “Oh, I couldn’t thank him,”

a. Who was not thanked?

The tempo-truck driver was not thanked.

b. Why should ‘I’ thank him?

Because the tempo-truck driver helped Baleshwar to take Roma Talreja to the hospital when nobody was ready to help him.

c. Why couldn’t he thank him?

Because the tempo-truck driver slipped from the hospital, having done all he could.


20. Baleshwar had even revisited the spot

a. Which was the spot he revisited?

The accident spot where Roma had fallen.

b. Why did he revisit it?

To find Roma’s belongings.

c. When did he revisit the spot?

When Dinesh had told him that Roma’s cell and handbag were missing, the next day he revisited the spot.


21. “I can’t imagine what would have happened if Baleshwar hadn’t been there,”


a. Who does ‘I’ and ‘she’ refer to here?

Roma Talreja.

b. Who rescued her?

Baleshwar Mishra.

c. What would have happened if Baleshwar Mishra had not been there?

If Baleshwar Mishra had not been there, she would have bled to death on the tracks alone

22. “I think it’s astonishing that a stranger would jump off a train and risk his life for me.

I can never repay Baleshwar.”

a. Who is the stranger here?

Baleshwar Mishra

b. What was astonishing for the speaker?

The stranger Baleshwar Jumped off a moving train and risked his life for Roma Talreja. This was astonishing for Roma.

c. Why couldn’t she repay him?

Because if Baleshwar had not rescued her in time, she would have bled to death on the tracks alone.

23. “I’m new to Mumbai, but I’ve noticed that people here are afraid.”

a. Who is the speaker of this statement?

Baleshwar Mishra

b. What did they fear about?

Because they feared getting involved in courts or with the police.

c. What is the effect of that on the life of the people of Mumbai?

The effect of that on the life of the people of Mumbai is that nobody is helping one another at the time of rescuing anybody.


24. “So why did he do it?”

a. Who is ‘he’?


b. What did he do?

He risked his life to save Roma.

c. Why did he do it?

Because he felt that what happened to Roma might happen to him or others any time. So, he sensed that it was his moral obligation to help the other when they were in danger.

25. “She needed help,”

a. Who does “she” refer to here?

Roma Talreja.

b. Who helped her?

Baleshwar helped her.

c. Why did she need help?

She had fallen off a train and was seriously injured. So, she needed help.

d. When did the speaker say so?

When Baleshwar was asked why he had risked his life and saved Roma. 

choice questions:- (1

1) When Roma met with an accident no one volunteered because

a) they were afraid of getting involved in courts or police

b) they were afraid of jumping down from the moving train

c) they were busy in their work

d) they did not know Baleshwar

2) Roma
Talreja was a

a) marketing

b) call
centre executive

c) sales

d) house wife

3) Theres a girl by
the tracks
These were the voices of

a) passengers
in Baleshwar
s compartment

b) passengers
in Roma
s compartment

c) people at
the railway station

d) railway

4) When Roma
met with an accident, the callous behaviour was exhibited by

a) Dinesh

b) People
watching the accident

c) Baleshwar

d) tempo
truck driver

5) When Baleshwar pleaded for help from the motorists, nobody helped him except the

a) railway guard

b) doctor

c) tempo- truck driver

d) on-duty Physician

6) When Roma
fell on the tracks no one was ready to save her except

a) Dinesh

b) Baleshwar

c) People in
the opposite train

d) station


7) The
incident of Roma
s accident happened on

a) December

b) January
26, 2012

 c) August 20 ,2001

d) July 23,

8) Romas fiancé was

a) Dinesh

b) Baleshwar

c) Dr. Anil

d) Vijay

9) Baleshwar
Mishra was unemployed because

a) He was
from U.P

b) He was a
high- school dropout

c) He was
looking for good jobs

d) he had to
look after his parents at home

10) Take the girl
to Airoli
, suggested the cop. But Baleshwar did not
agree with
him because

a) There was
no good hospital at Airoli

b) It was 10
kilometres away

c) There were
no equipment

d) the
doctors at the hospital were not experienced

11) The physician
in the small hospital did only first aid to Roma because

a) the injury
was not very serious

b) she could
not pay her medical expenses

c) There were
no personnel and equipment

d) There were
no nurses

12) The only
person who volunteered to help Baleshwar was

a) railway

b) doctor

c) tempo-
truck driver

d) on duty

13) Baleshwar
had a good memory. The line which suggests this statement is

a) he
memorized Dinesh
s cell phone number

b) he remembered
the nearest hospital

c) he
memorized her friend
s phone number

d) he knew
the way to Airoli

14) Romas brother
Dinesh Talreja was a

a) software


c) marketing

d) shopkeeper


15) Finally
Roma was given treatment in the

a) small

b) Airoli

c) government

d) Divine
Multi-Speciality Hospital, Ghansoli

16) The
doctor at Divine hospital admitted Rama without any paperwork because

a) she was
injured seriously

b) he knew

c) it was a
private hospital

d) he feared
that she may die

17) Baleshwar
could not thank the tempo truck driver because

a) it was
just his duty to help him

b) Roma was
his relative

did not know how to thank him

d) he slipped
away with his truck after helping

18) Baleshar
revisited the spot where Roma had fallen to

a) complain
to the railway police

b) look for
his belongings

c) look for
s belongings

d) inspect
how the accident happened

19) Roma said
I think its astonishing. What was

a) she
survived in spite of injury

b) a
stranger, jumped off a train and risked his life for her

c) the
railways helped her

d) the doctor
had done a miracle by saving her

20) According
to Baleshwar the people of Mumbai could not help at the time of
accidents because

a) they were
very busy.

b) they were
callous to others

c) they were
afraid of getting trapped in courts or with the police

d) they dont help

21) The
tempo-truck driver who helped Baleshwar was

a.young and
speaking Tamil

middle-aged and speaking Gujarati

c. handsome

d. old but

22.The person
who helped Roma was

a. a tempo
truck driver

b. an auto
rickshaw driver

c. a car

d. a motorist

23. Romas belongings
had been found by

a. Baleshwar

b. Dinesh

c. a railway

d. the truck


24. Theres a girl by
the tracks,
the voices cried out. The voices were of

a. railway

b. train

c. truck

d. railway

25. Baleshwar
Mishra was a

a. B.Com

b. marketing

c. high
school dropout

d. call
centre executive

26. A
……………. advised Baleshwar to take Roma to a nearby hospital.

a. truck

b. cop

c. commuters

d. on duty

27. Baleshwar
find Roma

a. By the
side of the Tracks

b. By the
side of the Road

c. By the
side of the Building

d. On the

28. To help
the wounded girl the train
s red chain
was pulled by

a. Dinesh

b. Vijay

c. Baleshwar

d. a railway

29. The other
passengers did not volunteer to help Baleshwar because

a. they
thought one man was enough

b. the train
was moving too fast

c. they were
afraid of being legally involved

d. they did
not know Baleshwar

30. Oh, I couldnt thank him. Baleshwar
thought. Here
him refers to

a. traffic

b. on duty

c. railway

d. tempo
truck driver

31. Baleshwar
had revisited the spot to


b. look for
her belongings

c. get

d. meet

32. Baleshwar had revisited the spot to

a. investigate

b. get assurance

c. look for Romas belongings

d. meet someone

33. They
arrived at a small hospital where

a. they
lacked staff and equipment

b. they
refused to treat Roma

c. they
operated on Roma

d. they found
that there was no doctor

34. Roma
Talreja felt that she could never repay Baleshwar, because he

a. informed
Dinesh about the accident

b. requested
all the motorists to save her

c. risked his
life to save her

d. pleaded
the passengers to save her

35. The other
passengers didn
t volunteer to help Baleshwar, because

a) They
thought one man was enough

b) the train
was moving too fast

c) they
feared getting trapped in the court

d) they didnt know Roma
or Baleshwar


36. Oh! I couldnt thank him. Baleshwar
thought. The word
him refers to

a. Traffic

b. Dinesh

c. railway

d. tempo
truck driver

37. The suitable
sentence to explain Baleshwar
s situation
when he jumped from
the train is

a. he was

b. his heart
was hammering his chest

c. he was
running furiously

d. he was
standing still

38. Baleshwar
Mishra was a

a. graduate

b. marketing

c. sales

d. high
school dropout

39. Romas fall from the train could not be heard as

a. people were talking loudly

b. the train made a loud noise

c. she fell unconscious

d. the people in the train were busy


40. Baleshwar saw blood flowing out of a wound on Romas head and he

a. started giving her first aid

b. went in search of a doctor

c. left her to her fate

d. lifted her and made his way across the tracks

Answer the
following questions in two or three sentences:

1. Its a regular
. What was regular about the scene in the lesson There is a
girl by the tracks

Ans. Commuters
rushing in and out of railway stations in major cities like Mumbai in India was
a regular scene.

2. Having
boarded the train, what was Roma looking forward to?

Ans. Having
boarded the train Roma was looking forward to finding some space to stand

3. Roma
Talreja tried to settle into a corner near the door in the train. Was she
right in doing
this? What would you have done if you were in her place?

Ans. No, Roma was
not right to settle into the corner near the door in a moving train. She tried
her best to settle down, but she was jammed between other women. If I were
there, I would have settled in a safer place away from the door.

4. Why did
Roma panic?

Ans. As Roma got
into the train, she was trying to find some space to stand safely on, but she suddenly
got pushed. She lost her tenuous foothold and panicked.

5. Roma was
thrown out of the coach. What mistake did she make?

Ans. After
getting into the train, she tried to settle down in a corner near the door. She
was jammed between other women and thrown out of the coach as she did not
settle down in a safer place.

6. What did
Baleshwar do when he saw a young woman lying next to the tracks?

Baleshwar went and grabbed the train
s red emergency chain and pulled it
down frantically when he saw a girl lying next to the tracks.


7. Why did
nobody (people of Mumbai) volunteer to help Roma?

Ans.  People of Bombay did not volunteer to help
Roma as they were afraid of getting involved or

perhaps of
being inconvenienced. They also feared getting trapped in the courts or with
the police. So they were callous to strangers even at the time of accidents.

8. What happened
to Baleshwar when he jumped off the slow-moving train?

Ans. Baleshwar
jumped off the moving train to save the life of a girl. As he landed on the
ground a burst of pain shot up in his ankle. But Baleshwar started to sprint
back between the tracks though his old rubber slippers were torn off.

9. Baleshwar
jumped off the train and risked his life to save a stranger. What does

It reveals
his simplicity and presence of mind; It shows he cared for human life.

10. Why did
Baleshwar hope that he was not too late?

Ans. Baleshwar
wanted to save a stranger
s life risking his life. He was so far away
from the girl that he couldn
t see her. He hoped that he wasnt too late to
save the life of a stranger.

11. Why was
there no help in sight when Baleshwar found Roma by the tracks?

Ans. Baleshwar
and Roma were alone on the railway tracks somewhere between two stations five kilometres
apart, in Thane District, which borders Mumbai. Hence there was no help in


12. What did
Baleshwar do as soon as he reached the girl by the tracks?

Ans. Baleshwar
could see the blood flowing out of a gash behind the young woman
s head.
Saying a silent prayer he lifted the five-foot two-inch, fifty kilo Roma
gingerly and made his way across the tracks searching for a way out.

13. Was
Baleshwar right in asking Roma her name while she lay in a critical

did he do so?

Ans. Yes,
Baleshwar was right in asking Roma her name. He had done it to know who she was
and to inform her family about the accident.

14. There was
no response from Roma when Baleshwar asked her if she was
Why was there no response?

Ans. Roma had
fallen down from the moving train and got a deep cut at the back of her head.
She was unconscious as she lost a lot of blood.

15. Roma
stirred and her eyes fluttered open. What made her react in that way?

Ans. The on-duty
physician at a nearby small hospital gave the basic first aid which made Roma stirred
and her eyes fluttered open.

16. How did
Baleshwar spend that particular day of accident?

Ans. Baleshwar
spent that day with a friend, grabbed lunch and watched a movie and had boarded
the train to go home.

17. How did
Baleshwar reach the road?

Ans. Baleshwar
crossed through some shrubbery and followed the directions of the sounds of the
vehicles to reach a road nearby.

18. Roma loved
her job
. How did she enjoy her job?

Ans. Roma loved
her job by talking and connecting to customers and making new friends. After work
she went to the cafeteria where she spent time happily and made plans for the

19. What did
Baleshwar request the motorists? What was the result?

Ans. Baleshwar
requested the motorists to help him take Roma to a hospital. Innumerable
motorists drove by but nobody helped. A tempo -truck driver at last came
forward to help.

20. What was
the suggestion given by the cop? Why did Baleshwar disagree?

Ans. The cop
(traffic policeman) suggested Baleshwar take the girl to Airoli as there was a
hospital.Baleshwar disagreed as Airoli was at least ten kilometres away from
that place.


21. How was
Roma given first aid in a small hospital?

Ans. The nurses
in the small hospital helped to admit the young woman. The on-duty physician gave
the basic first aid.

22. Why did
the on-duty physician give only first aid to Roma?

Ans. The on-duty
physician gave the basic first aid as the facility in the hospital lacked the personnel
and equipment. He advised that she be moved to a nearby hospital.

23. How could
Baleshwar give a message to Dinesh?

Ans. Borrowing
the cell phone of the tempo truck driver, Baleshwar called Roma
s brother
Dinesh,memorizing the number that Roma had uttered to him before losing
consciousness again.

24. What was
Dinesh Talreja doing when he got a call from an unknown person?

Ans. Dinesh
Talreja was wrapping up his day at his marketing job at a retail outlet in
Ulhasnagar when his phone rang from an unknown number.

25. The
doctor at the Divine Multi-specialty Hospital admitted Roma without any
What made him do so?

Ans. Roma had a
severe injury on her head and was continuously bleeding. So, the doctor understood
the critical condition and admitted her without any formalities.

26. How did
the doctors at the Divine Hospital treat Roma?

Ans. Seeing Romas condition,
doctors attended her without any paper work.

27. Oh, I could
not thank him
, Baleshwar thought. Who do you think he
t thank? Why?

Ans. Baleshwar
t thank the
tempo truck driver because he was busy in admitting Roma to the hospital and by
the time the formalities were completed, the truck driver had left the place.

28. The truck
driver, having done all that he could, had slipped away with his
Give a reason.

Ans.  The truck driver was a simple middle aged man
who spoke Gujarati, he just wanted to lend a helping hand and did not expect
any reward.

29. If
Baleshwar had not come forward to help Roma, what would have

Ans. If Baleshwar
had not come forward to help Roma, her condition could have become worse. She
had a deep cut behind her head and was bleeding. She had lost consciousness.

30. What values
can we learn from the lesson
There is a
girl by the tracks

Ans. We must
learn to extend our helping hand at the time of crisis. Love and compassion
should be our religion. We must not let gender, caste, sex and faith influence
our decisions to help people.

31. Why did
Baleshwar revisit the spot?

Ans. Baleshwar
revisited the spot to find Roma’s belongings. Dinesh told him that her mobile
phone and handbag were missing.

32. Baleshwar
got some assurance from a railway employee. What was that?

Ans. When he was
looking for her belongings at the spot where Roma had fallen, a railway employee
assured that Roma
s belongings had been found already.

33. After
s recovery, what did she say about Baleshwar?

Ans. Roma was
amazed to learn of the manner in which she had been rescued. She said she
t imagine
what would have happened to her if Baleshwar hadn
t been there.
She also said that she could never repay Baleshwar as he risked his life to
save her.

34. How did
the truck driver help Baleshwar?

Ans.  The truck driver helped Baleshwar to lay Roma
on to the back of his truck. He gave his mobile to Baleshwar to make a call to
s family
members. He also helped Baleshwar to take Roma to the Divine multi-specialty

35. Baleshwar
had a good memory, do you agree?

Ans. Yes, Baleshwar
had a good memory. Roma had given him her brother
s cell phone
number before she lost consciousness again. Baleshwar quickly memorized it and
got a cell phone from the truck driver to place a call to Roma
s brother

Answer the
following in 3-4 sentences

1. How did
Baleshwar manage to take the girl to Divine Multi-specialty Hospital?

Ans-  Baleshwar jumped off the moving train and
reached the place where Roma had fallen without any delay. He held the blood
covered Roma in his arms, crossed through some shrubbery and followed the
directions of the sounds of the vehicles to reach a road nearby. Baleshwar
requested the motorists to help him take Roma to a hospital. Innumerable
motorists drove by but nobody helped. A tempo -truck driver at last came
forward to help .The cop (traffic policeman) suggested Baleshwar take the girl
to Airoli as there was a hospital. Baleshwar disagreed as Airoli was at least
ten kilometres away from that place. Baleshwar knew a small hospital nearby and
took her there. The nurses in the small hospital helped to admit the young
woman. The on-duty physician gave the basic first aid as the facility in the
hospital lacked the personnel and equipment. He advised that she be moved to a
nearby hospital. With the help of the truck driver they reached the Divine
Multi-Specialty Hospital. Roma had a severe injury on her head and was continuously
bleeding. So, Dr. Anil Agarwal understood the critical condition and admitted
her to the ICU without any formalities.


2. Though
Baleshwar was a high school dropout and unemployed he was a compassionate human
being. Justify the statement.


The Dalai Lama
says, “Love and compassion are the true religions to me”. Explain this statement
relating to the lesson ‘there is a girl by the tracks.

Ans- Baleshwar was
really a kind-hearted, simple young man. When he saw Roma lying by the side of the
tracks he impulsively pulled the chain and jumped off the train to save a girl.
Then he took her in his arms and walked across the tracks towards the road
crossing some tracks through some shrubbery in the direction of the sound.
Though many motorists did not come forward to help upon repeated requests, he
managed to take her to a nearby hospital with the help of a tempo truck driver.
After the first aid in the small hospital she was admitted to the Divine multi-specialty
hospital at Ghansoli. While helping he did not think of the caste, sex or
religion of the deceased. Only love and compassion and humanity were in his

3. Write briefly
the personal details of Baleshwar and Roma.

Ans- Roma Talreja was
a 21- year – old, B. Com graduate from Pune. She was working as a call Centre
executive for two years. She loved her job, talking and connecting to customers
and making new friends. She felt happy and active. Baleshwar Mishra was a 19 –
year old, high school dropout. He was a tall thin youngster from Mirzapur, UP.
He was unemployed and had come to Mumbai recently. In Mumbai he was living with
his two elder brothers and was looking for a job.


4. The truck
driver and Baleshwar need our appreciation. Discuss in detail.

Ans- Baleshwar, an
unemployed high school dropout needs our appreciation as he has done a great job,
what an educated person hesitates to do. When not a single passenger from the
over packed train came forward to save a stranger’s life, Baleshwar jumped off
the moving train risking his life. The passengers feared the inconvenience and
getting trapped in the courts or with the police. Baleshwar came forward to
help only with compassion, love and mercy which are worthy to be appreciated. The
truck driver was a simple middle-aged man who spoke Gujarati, he just wanted to
lend a helping hand and did not expect any reward. He had helped Baleshwar to
lay Roma on to the back of his truck. He gave his mobile to Baleshwar to make a
call to Roma’s family members.He also helped Baleshwar to take Roma to the
Divine multi-specialty hospital. When no motorists who were well off came
forward to help, the truck driver leaving his daily earning he accompanied
Baleshwar till Roma reached a hospital that could treat her injury. Simple man’s
great work really needs our appreciation.


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