Central Idea of the Lesson

This story is about a cat and a mouse who lived in the same tree but never troubled each other. One day, a hunter trapped the cat in a net. The cat asked the mouse for help, promising not to harm him. The kind mouse trusted the cat and cut the net with his teeth, setting the cat free. Later, the cat wanted to be friends, but the wise mouse refused, knowing that friendship between a cat and a mouse would not last. The cat understood and left the place. The story teaches us about kindness, wisdom, and knowing whom to trust.

New Words with Pronunciation & Meaning:

नवीन शब्दसंग्रह, उच्चार आणि अर्थ

New Word (इंग्रजी)Pronunciation (ब्रिटिश इंग्रजी उच्चार मराठीत)Meaning (मराठीत अर्थ)
Denseडेन्सघनदाट, दाट
Seldomसेल्डमक्वचित, खूप कमी वेळा
Perilपेरिलधोका, संकट
Scamperingस्कॅम्परिंगझपाट्याने धावणे
Waryवेरीसावध, जागरूक
Preyप्रेभक्ष्य, शिकार
Profuselyप्रोफ्युजलीविपुल प्रमाणात, भरपूर
Stationस्टेशननिवासस्थान, राहण्याची जागा

शब्दसंग्रहाचा वापर व स्पष्टीकरण:

  1. Dense: जंगल खूप घनदाट होते.
  2. Seldom: मांजर आणि उंदीर क्वचित एकमेकांना भेटत.
  3. Peril: शिकाऱ्याच्या जाळ्यात अडकणे मांजरीसाठी धोक्याचे होते.
  4. Scampering: उंदीर पटकन पळून गेला.
  5. Wary: उंदीर सुरुवातीला मांजराला मदत करण्याबाबत सावध होता.
  6. Prey: शिकाऱ्याने मांजराला शिकार करण्याचा प्रयत्न केला.
  7. Profusely: मांजराने उंदराचे खूप आभार मानले.
  8. Station: मांजराने नवीन निवासस्थान शोधले.

Comprehension Answers

  1. What made the cat and the mouse live happily?
    • The cat lived on a branch of the tree, and the mouse lived in a hole at the root. They did not disturb each other, so they were happy.
  2. Who is the cat’s little neighbor?
    • The mouse was the little neighbor of the cat.
  3. How was the cat set free?
    • The mouse cut the net with his teeth, and the cat came out.
  4. Why did the mouse turn down the proposal to be friends?
    • The mouse knew that a cat and a mouse could never be true friends, so he refused.
  5. What nature of the cat is revealed in the story?
    • The cat was selfish at first but later understood wisdom and left the place.

This story teaches us to be kind but also careful about whom we trust!

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