Central Idea of the Lesson :
The lesson tells the inspiring story of Savitribai Phule, the first female teacher of India, who worked hard for women’s education and social reforms. With the support of her husband, Mahatma Jotiba Phule, she opened schools for girls and untouchables. Despite facing many problems from society, she continued her work. She also fought for widow remarriage, against untouchability, and helped poor women and children. She sacrificed her life while helping people during a plague epidemic.
New Words with Pronunciation & Meaning:
नवीन शब्दसंग्रह व त्याचे उच्चार आणि अर्थ :
New Word (इंग्रजी) | Pronunciation (ब्रिटिश इंग्रजी उच्चार मराठीत) | Meaning (मराठीत अर्थ) |
Tackle | टॅकल | हाताळणे, उपाय शोधणे |
Fed up | फेड अप | कंटाळलेला, त्रासलेला |
Resistance | रेज़िस्टन्स | विरोध, प्रतिकार |
Orthodox | ऑर्थोडॉक्स | पारंपरिक, जुन्या विचारांचा |
Precincts | प्रीसींक्स | परिसर, हद्द |
Abandoned | अबँडंड | सोडून दिलेले, परित्यक्त |
Obscene | ऑब्सीन | अश्लील, अपमानकारक |
Relentlessly | रिलेन्टलेस्ली | अखंड, थांबून न राहता |
Revolutionary | रेव्हल्यूश्नरी | क्रांतिकारक, परिवर्तनशील |
Exploited | एक्स्प्लॉइटेड | शोषण केलेले, गैरफायदा घेतलेला |
Plight | प्लाईट | हालअपेष्टा, दुःस्थिती |
Opposition | ऑपोझिशन | विरोध, आक्षेप |
Gratitude | ग्रॅटिट्यूड | कृतज्ञता, आभार |
शब्दसंग्रहाचा वापर व स्पष्टीकरण:
- Tackle: सामाजिक समस्या हाताळण्यासाठी त्यांनी विविध प्रयत्न केले.
- Fed up: सावित्रीबाईंना लोकांच्या अपमानासह वागणुकीचा त्रास झाला होता.
- Resistance: स्त्री शिक्षणाला मोठा विरोध होता.
- Orthodox: जुन्या विचारसरणीच्या लोकांनी त्यांना त्रास दिला.
- Precincts: अस्पृश्यांसाठी त्यांनी आपल्या घराच्या आवारातील विहीर खुली केली.
- Abandoned: समाजाने टाकलेल्या स्त्रियांसाठी त्यांनी मदतीचा हात पुढे केला.
- Obscene: लोक त्यांना अपमानकारक शब्द वापरून हिणवायचे.
- Relentlessly: त्या अखंडपणे शिक्षण आणि सामाजिक सुधारणा यासाठी कार्यरत राहिल्या.
- Revolutionary: विधवांच्या मुक्तीसाठी आणि शिक्षणासाठी त्यांनी क्रांतिकारक काम केले.
- Exploited: विधवांचे अनेकदा शोषण केले जात होते.
- Plight: त्या काळातील स्त्रियांची स्थिती अत्यंत वाईट होती.
- Opposition: सावित्रीबाई आणि ज्योतिबांनी विरोध झेलत कार्य चालू ठेवले.
- Gratitude: आजच्या स्त्रिया सावित्रीबाईंना कृतज्ञतेने आठवतात.
Comprehension Answers :
- Who opened the first women’s school in India?
- Savitribai Phule opened the first women’s school in India.
- What were the major problems she tried hard to tackle?
- She worked for women’s education, widow remarriage, removal of untouchability, and helping poor people.
- How was Savitribai treated by orthodox men?
- Orthodox men threw rotten eggs, cow dung, and stones at her and used bad language, but she still continued her work.
- When and where was the first school for girls started?
- The first school for girls was started in Pune in 1848.
- Why were Jotiba and Savitribai Phule honoured?
- The British honoured them in 1852 for their work in education.
- What was the condition of widows during their time?
- Widows had to shave their heads and live a very simple and difficult life. They were not allowed to look beautiful or get remarried.
- How did the couple help Untouchables to get drinking water?
- They opened their well and allowed untouchables to take water from it, as they were not allowed to use water from public places.
- What does Sushma Deshpande say about Savitribai Phule?
- She says that every educated Indian woman today owes respect and gratitude to Savitribai Phule.
This lesson teaches us that education is important for everyone, and we should fight for equality and justice like Savitribai Phule did.