KTBS 6th ENGLISH (TL) Supplementry Reading 4.CLEVER KI-KI





Lesson – 4

Summary of the Lesson:

   Clever Ki-Ki tells the story of Mayta, a native girl who lives in the South American rainforests, and her pet bird, a blue and yellow Macaw named Ki-Ki. Mayta teaches Ki-Ki to talk, but her friend Capac is jealous of the bird. One day, Capac goes missing in the jungle, and Mayta sends Ki-Ki to find him. Ki-Ki successfully locates Capac, who has sprained his ankle, and the children help him return safely. Capac regrets his earlier unkindness toward Ki-Ki and promises to be his friend, and everyone laughs as Ki-Ki amusingly lands on Capac’s head, repeating his favorite phrase, “Here’s a nut!”


– Thatched hut: A small house with a roof made of straw or leaves

– Macaw: A large, colorful parrot

– Nut: A hard-shelled fruit

– Jealous: Feeling envy or resentment

– Dusk: The time just before nightfall

– Twilight: The faint light in the sky when the sun is below the horizon

– Screech: A loud, high-pitched sound

– Sprained ankle: A twisted or injured ankle

– Gasped: Breathed in quickly with surprise or difficulty

– Hung his head: Felt ashamed or sorry

 Comprehension Questions (Answer in One or Two Sentences Each):

1. Why didn’t Capac like the Macaw? 

Ans.- Capac was jealous of the way Ki-Ki always followed Mayta and wanted to catch him.

2. How did the children find out where Capac was? 

Ans.-    The children found Capac after Ki-Ki screeched loudly, showing them where he was lying with a sprained ankle.

3. Why does Ki-Ki sit on Capac’s head and say ‘Here’s a nut’? 

Ans.-    Ki-Ki sits on Capac’s head and says “Here’s a nut” because he is repeating the phrase Mayta taught him, and it makes everyone laugh.

4. Ki-Ki is not only intelligent but also smart. Do you agree? 

Ans.-    Yes, Ki-Ki is intelligent because he learned to talk and is smart because he helped find Capac in the jungle.

1. Where does Mayta live? 

Ans.-    Mayta lives in a thatched hut by the river in the South American rainforests.

2. What is the name of Mayta’s pet bird? 

Ans.-    The bird’s name is Ki-Ki.

3. What are the colors of Ki-Ki, the Macaw? 

Ans.-    Ki-Ki is blue and yellow.

4. What did Mayta teach Ki-Ki to do? 

Ans.-    Mayta taught Ki-Ki to talk.

5. What was Ki-Ki’s favorite food? 

Ans.-    Ki-Ki’s favorite food was nuts.

6. Why did Capac go missing? 

Ans.-    Capac got a sprained ankle and couldn’t return with the others.

7. What did Mayta tell Ki-Ki to do when Capac was missing? 

Ans.-    Mayta told Ki-Ki to go and find Capac.

8. How did Ki-Ki help find Capac? 

Ans.-   Ki-Ki screeched loudly, guiding the children to Capac.

9. Why was Capac ashamed in the end? 

 Ans.-   Capac was ashamed because he had been unkind to Ki-Ki earlier.

10. What did Capac promise after being rescued? 

 Ans.-    Capac promised to be Ki-Ki’s friend.

11. What phrase did Ki-Ki repeat throughout the story? 

 Ans.-    Ki-Ki kept saying “Here’s a nut!”

12. What time of day did the children search for Capac? 

Ans.-     The children searched for Capac at dusk.

13. What animal did the children worry about in the jungle? 

Ans.-     They were worried about wild-cats.

14. Where did Ki-Ki land after Capac was found? 

Ans.-     Ki-Ki landed on Capac’s head.

15. Why did everyone laugh at the end? 

Ans.-     Everyone laughed because Ki-Ki sat on Capac’s head and said “Here’s a nut!”

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