Homophones : Meaning,Explanation & Examples English Grammar

Homophones : Meaning,Explanation & Examples


        In English grammar, a homophone is a word that sounds the same as another word but has a different meaning and often a different spelling. Homophones can create confusion and ambiguity in written and spoken language because they are pronounced alike, but they have distinct definitions. Here are a few examples of common homophones:

1. “To,” “two,” and “too” – They all sound the same but have different meanings. “To” is a preposition indicating direction or purpose, “two” is the number 2, and “too” means also or excessively.

2. “Their,” “there,” and “they’re” – They are pronounced the same but have different meanings. “Their” shows possession, “there” indicates a location, and “they’re” is a contraction of “they are.”

3. “Your” and “you’re” – They sound alike but have different meanings. “Your” shows possession, indicating something belongs to you, while “you’re” is a contraction of “you are.”

4. “Flour” and “flower” – They have the same pronunciation but different meanings. “Flour” refers to a powdery substance used in baking, while “flower” refers to a plant’s reproductive structure.

Homophones can present challenges for writers, spellers, and English language learners because choosing the correct homophone is crucial for conveying the intended meaning in a sentence.

Let’s see some examples of Homophones-: 

1. Ate, Eight

2. Allowed, Aloud

3. Bare, Bear

4. Ball, Bawl

5. Bee, Be

6. Blew, Blue

7. Brake, Break

8. Buy, By

9. Cell, Sell

10. Cent, Scent

11. Cereal, Serial

12. Chews, Choose

13. Close, Clothes

14. Complement, Compliment

15. Council, Counsel

16. Dear, Deer

17. Die, Dye

18. Fair, Fare

19. Flour, Flower

20. For, Four

21. Hair, Hare

22. Heel, Heal

23. Here, Hear

24. Higher, Hire

25. Hole, Whole

26. Hour, Our

27. I, Eye

28. Idle, Idol

29. In, Inn

30. It’s, Its

31. Knight, Night

32. Know, No

33. Laid, Lade

34. Lane, Lain

35. Leek, Leak

36. Lessen, Lesson

37. Mail, Male

38. Main, Mane

39. Meat, Meet

40. Medal, Meddle

41. Morning, Mourning

42. None, Nun

43. One, Won

44. Pair, Pear

45. Peace, Piece

46. Plain, Plane

47. Poor, Pour

48. Principal, Principle

49. Rain, Reign

50. Read, Reed

51. Red, Read52. Right, Write

53. Road, Rode

54. Role, Roll

55. Root, Route

56. Sail, Sale

57. Scene, Seen

58. Sea, See

59. Seam, seem

60. Sew, So

61. Sight, Site

62. Slay, Sleigh 

63. Sole, Soul

64. Son, Sun

65. Stair, Stare

66. Stationary, Stationery

67. Steal, Steel

68. Suite, Sweet

69. Tail, Tale

70. Their, There

71. Threw, Through

72. Throne, Thrown

73. To, Too, Two

74. Vain, Vein

75. Waist, Waste

76. Wait, Weight

77. War, Wore

78. Way, Weigh

79. Weak, Week

80. Weather, Whether

81. Which, Witch

82. Whole, Hole

83. Won, One

84. Wood, Would

85. Write, Right

86. Yew, You

87. Your, You’re

88. Aisle, Isle

89. Allowed, Aloud

90. Altar, Alter

91. Arc, Ark

92. Ascent, Assent

93. Aural, Oral

94. Billed, Build


95. Blew, Blue

96. Boar, Bore

97. Board, Bored

98. Brake, Break

99. Bridal, Bridle

100. Broach, Brooch

101. Buy, By, Bye

102. Capital, Capitol

103. Censor, Sensor

104. Cereal, Serial

105. Chord, Cord

106. Cite, Sight, Site

107. Clause, Claws

108. Complement, Compliment

109. Councillor, Counselor

110. Creak, Creek

111. Crews, Cruise

112. Dear, Deer

113. Desert, Dessert

114. Dew, Due

115. Die, Dye

116. Dual, Duel

117. Elicit, Illicit

118. Eye, I

119. Fair, Fare

120. Faze, Phase

121. Feat, Feet

122. Flour, Flower

123. For, Four, Fore

124. Gait, Gate

125. Grate, Great

126. Groan, Grown

127. Hair, Hare

128. Hall, Haul

129. Heal, Heel


130. Hear, Here

131. Herd, Heard

132. Higher, Hire

133. Hole, Whole

134. Holy, Wholly

135. Idle, Idol

136. In, Inn

137. It’s, Its

138. Knead, Need

139. Knight, Night

140. Knot, Not

141. Laid, Lade

142. Lane, Lain

143. Leach, Leech

144. Lead, Led

145. Leak, Leek

146. Lessen, Lesson

147. Mail, Male

148. Main, Mane

149. Meat, Meet

150. Medal, Meddle

151. Miner, Minor

152. Morning, Mourning

153. None, Nun

154. One, Won

155. Pail, Pale

156. Pain, Pane

157. Pair, Pear

158. Peace, Piece

159. Plain, Plane

160. Poor, Pour

161. Principal, Principle

162. Rain, Reign, Rein

163. Read, Reed

164. Red, Read

165. Right, Write

166. Road, Rode

167. Role, Roll


168. Root, Route

169. Sail, Sale

170. Scene, Seen

171. Sea, See

172. Seam, seem

173. Sew, So

174. Sight, Site

175. Slay, Sleigh

176. Sole, Soul

177. Son, Sun

178. Stair, Stare

179. Stationary, Stationery

180. Steal, Steel

181. Suite, Sweet

182. Tail, Tale

183. Their, There, They’re

184. Threw, Through

185. Throne, Thrown

186. To, Too, Two

187. Vain, Vein

188. Waist, Waste

189. Wait, Weight

190. War, Wore


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