Class – 6
Subject – English
1. Identify and
classify domestic and wild animals
2. Comprehend the
sentence and use antonyms.
3. Supply appropriate
linking words.
4. Re- arrange the
words and make meaningful sentence.
5. Name the tools in
6. Use contractions in
simple conversation.
7. Use punctuation
marks appropriately in writing such as question mark, comma, full stop and
uppercase letters.
8. Read the passage
and answer in one word.
9. Associate the
picture with the words/phrases/ sentences
10. Know the usage of
11. Understand the
sentence and recognize simple grammar elements.
12. Use pronouns to
avoid frequent usage of naming words.
13. Read the pictures
of sign board and seek the information.
14. Bifurcate rhyming
15. Find out odd word
from the group.
16. Expand commonly
used abbreviations.
17. Solve
crossword/puzzle using picture clues.
18. Recite the poem
and list out the rhyming words.
19. Identify and
recognize the numbers of the given nouns.
20. Become aware of clothings
according to seasons.