6th English (TL) Nine little birds

Prose II  Nine little birds
thumb – थंब = अंगठा

pointer finger –पॉईंटर फिंगर= तर्जनी ,अंगठ्याजवळील बोट

middle finger –मिडल फिंगर= मधले बोट

ring finger –रिंग फिंगर= अनामिकाकरंगळीजवळचे बोट=

wiggle –विगल्= मूठ

thick –थिक्= दाट, घनदाट

laid –लेड्= -अंडी= दिले / घातले

collected –कलेक्टेड्= गोळा केले

take care केअर= काळजी असलेल्या

pond –पाँड्= डबके

strong gust wind गस्ट ऑफ वाईंड= हवेचा मोठा झोत,जोराची हवा

blew –ब्ल्यू= वारा वाहणे

broken –ब्रोकन्= तुटलेले

rolled down –रोल्ड् डाऊन = घरंगळत खाली गेले तुटले, फुटले

remained –रिमेनड्= बाकी राहिले

became sad –बिकेम सॅड्= दुखी झाले

return –रिटर्न= परत येणे

suddenly –सडनली= तात्काळ

idea –आयडिया= कल्पना

different –डिफरन्ट्= वेगळे

shape –शेप= आकार

struck –स्ट्रक्= आपटली -कल्पना सुचने=

quietly –क्वाएटली= शांतपणे

placed –पलेट= तेवले

began –बिगॅॅन= सुरुवात झाली

emerge –इमर्ज= अंड्यातून बाहेर येणे

idly –आवडली= निवांतपणे

headed –हेडेड= चालू लागला

direction –डायरेक्शन्= दिशा

moved further –मुवड फर्दर = पुढे गेले

uttered-अटर्ड = बोलणे, उच्चारणे

began to caw –बिगेन टू कॉ = काव- काव करण्यास सुरुवात केली

long pointed beak –लॉग पॉईटेड चीक= लांब अणकूचीदार चोच

flew away –फ्ल्यू अवे= दूर उडाला

crow’s baby –क्रॉज बेबी= कावळ्याचे पिल्लू

started –स्टार्टेड्= सुरुवात केली

pack of parots –पॅक ऑफ पॅरोटस्= पोपटांचा थवा

in search of –इन सर्च ऑफ=…च्या शोधात

to join –टू जॉईन्= सामील होणे, समाविष्ट होणे

flock of pigeons –फ्लॉक ऑफ पिजन्स्= कबुतरांचा थवा

kingfisher –किंगफिशर= पाणकावळा

appearance –अपिअरन्स्= दृष्टीस पडणे  

decided –डिसाईडेड= ठरवले, निश्चय केला  

yelped –येल्पड = ओरडला

spread –स्प्रेड्= पसरणे, पसरवणे

wings –विंग्ज= पंख

gleefully –ग्लीफुली= आनंदाने  

left –लेफ्ट= बाकी राहिले

feed –फीड= भरवणे,खाऊ घालणे


A. Answer the following questions:

1. How many eggs did the mother hen laid?

Ans: The mother hen laid nine eggs.

2. How was the nest broken?

Ans: The nest was broken when a strong gust of wind blew.

3. Why did father Hen become sad?

Ans: Eight of the nine eggs rolled down and cracked, only one egg remained so the father Hen became sad.

4. What kind of eggs did Father Hen collect from the jungle?

Ans: Father Hen collected eight eggs which are in different colour and shape.

5. What happened when the family goes near the pond?

Ans: When the family went near the pond, out of the nine babies eight of them flew away with their family only the chick remained.

6. List the names of all the birds that you have come across in the lesson

Ans: Cock, hen, duck, crow, parrot, pigeon, kingfisher, peacock, owl are mentioned. 

3.+Nine+Little+birds. page 0002

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